First Grade Instructor
Ms. Jansson is pleased to bring content rich instruction to her first graders. She earned her B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of New Mexico. Prior to that Ms. Jansson was a physical therapist technician, dental assistant, and a stay-at-home mom. She has three grown daughters, and a teenage son. Currently, she is in the second year of the LETRS course, which is a professional development that empowers teachers to understand scientifically based reading instruction. Ms. Jansson’s passions are serving others, DIY projects, and teaching. She spends her time with her family, studying the Bible, reading, journaling, camping, completing puzzles and attending church.
Email: [email protected]
English & Literature Instructor
Kerry Jenkins grew up in a military family, spending much of her youth in Hawai’i. Her parents retired in coastal Virginia where she went to high school and enjoyed the treasures of Jamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg and Fort Monroe. She attended college at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and received her B.S. in Foreign Service. After studying for one year at the University of Madrid in Spain, Kerry travelled through Europe doing volunteer work in Youth Camps. She then attended Old Dominion University in Virginia and received her M.A. in English. Kerry moved to northern California where she taught English as a Second Language for nine years at Mission College and other adult language centers. In 2002 she relocated to Hilo, Hawai’i and taught English as a Second Language at Hawai’i Community College. In 2003 Kerry and her husband moved to Tijeras. She taught English as a Second Language to adults at Catholic Charities in Albuquerque for 14 years before joining EVCA.
Email: [email protected]
Fine Arts EA
Email: [email protected]
Student Services EA
Email: [email protected]
Coordinator of Student Life
Mrs. Kraus has been with EVCA in one capacity or another since 2016. Among the many hats she wears, she is delighted to be currently serving as the District Test Coordinator, Dual Credit Coordinator, and Student Success Advisor. Mrs. Kraus has a bachelor’s degree in office administration and a minor in English. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Academic Counseling at West Texas A&M. In addition to her office tasks, Mrs. Kraus loves serving as the Student Government staff advisor, a position she has enjoyed since the 2018 school year. She and her husband have lived in Edgewood for 19 of their 25 years of marriage. The Kraus family has 5 amazing kids, all of whom have attended EVCA.
Literature & Performing Arts Instructor
Dr. Gerard Lavin, who taught at EVCA for the 2014-2015 school year, is returning after completing his PhD in British and Irish Literary Studies at the University of New Mexico, with a focus on the interactions between textual and oral cultures in the Middle Ages. His dissertation examined the uses of oral rhetoric in the works of the Venerable Bede. He also holds an MFA in Theatre from Michigan State University and a BA in English from the University of Notre Dame. He has taught courses in literature, writing, and drama at a variety of universities and high schools.
Email: [email protected]
Student Services EA
Mrs. Littlefield was born and raised in Meridian, Idaho, the last of eight children. She graduated with honors from Meridian High School and went on to Ricks College (now known as BYU-Idaho) in Rexburg, Idaho. Before she could finish, she had the great opportunity to become a wife and mother. She and her husband have been married for thirty-six years and are the parents of five children and six grandchildren. Her youngest daughter graduated from EVCA in 2018. Mrs. Littlefield has always loved to volunteer, including being a Girl Scout Brownie and Junior Leader for her daughters and on the parent committee and a Merit Badge Counselor for Boy Scouts for her sons. When her daughter started at EVCA she also began to volunteer on the Special Events Committee and has been overseeing the Renaissance Fair for the last four years. She volunteered to tutor students in reading, which lead to getting her substitute license. With encouragement from the Special Education department, Mrs. Littlefield applied for her EA license and has been working with SPED students for two years. She thoroughly enjoys working with students one-on-one to help them achieve their greatest potential. She has decided to pursue a teaching degree as a Secondary English teacher and is currently enrolled at CNM. When she is not at the school or in front of her computer doing homework, you will find her teaching piano lessons or in her garden growing fruits and vegetables. She also loves to preserve (or can) that produce, knit, crochet, quilt, sew, embroider, scrapbook, do genealogy work, and best of all, skype with her grandchildren.
Email: [email protected]
Grammar School EA
Mariaelena Lovato is joining our EVCA family this year as an Educational assistant. She attended Central New Mexico Community College and graduated with honors. She received her associate degree in Liberal Arts in 2009. Mariaelena was proudly raised in the East Mountains with strong values in faith and family. She married her high school sweetheart and has two beautiful daughters who attend EVCA. Being able to work alongside her children is a dream come true. As a family, they love spending time camping, hunting, fishing and swimming.
Email: [email protected]
Student Services EA
This is Mrs. Jessica Lupinacci first year at EVCA as an educational assistant. She is very excited to be part of the EVCA team! She moved here from Kentucky 5 years ago, and has been happily married for 11 years and has two beautiful girls who attend EVCA. Over the past 11 years she has volunteered in children’s ministry as well as helped start churches. She has worked on ranches by training and giving lessons. She also has a NM real estate license and has enjoyed helping families find their dream home. She loves the great outdoors and getting kids involved- she has just recently picked up archery and hopes to one day go hunting with her family.
Email: [email protected]
Health & Literature Instructor
Mrs. Mackrain has been a staff member of the EVCA faculty since the first year the school opened. One of her favorite memories from the beginning was seeing the parts of the original building going by on Route 66 with the staff cheering in the background a few days before the start of school. She enjoys working with students and parents in helping them to achieve success with their life goals. Mrs. Mackrain has taught a variety of classes at EVCA and has a background working in multicultural settings. Mrs. Mackrain has four children, the youngest attended EVCA since first grade.
Email: [email protected]
Homistek, Ryan: [email protected] (ext. 37) Director of Upper School
Rowan, Jennifer: [email protected] (ext. 89) Executive Director
Turner, Davina: [email protected] (ext. 28) Director of Grammar School
Elias-Gonzalez, Josefina: [email protected] Custodian
McManis, Patrick: [email protected] Custodian
Dukes, Byron: [email protected] Custodial/Maintenance Supervisor
Beckman, Melanie: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Bentley, Debbie: [email protected] Student Services EA
Bocock, Kristi: [email protected] Specials EA
Carpenter, Shadra: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Franklin, Amanda: [email protected] Student Services EA
Garrett (Adams), Jessica: [email protected] Student Services EA
Koehler, Dennis: [email protected] Student Services EA
Littlefield, Lori: [email protected] Student Services EA
Lovato, MariaElena: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Marquez, Rebecca: [email protected] Physical Education EA
Riddle, Darian: [email protected] Student Services EA
Sanders, Karen: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Springer, Felicia: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Tuck, Laura: [email protected] Grammar School EA
Yee, Glorianna: [email protected] Student Services EA
Adelman, Amie: [email protected] Latin/Logic/Rhetoric Instructor
Anderson, Cheryl: [email protected] Interventionist Instructor
Beard, Tim: [email protected] Physical Education Instructor
Beukelman, Bonnie: [email protected] Fine Arts / Music Instructor
Brown, Kacie: [email protected] Student Services Instructor
Bryson, Kathleen: [email protected] Mathematics Instructor
Buck, Misty: [email protected] Visual Arts Instructor
Burns, Tasha: [email protected] Kindergarten Instructor
Cooper, Therese: [email protected] Fourth Grade Instructor
Cordova, Carmelita: [email protected] 2nd Grade Instructor
Cruz, Penyon: [email protected] First Grade Instructor
Daugherty, Donnie: [email protected] History Instructor
Davis, Randi: [email protected] Second Grade Instructor
Drury, David: [email protected] History / Literature Instructor
Duke, Melissa: [email protected] Kindergarten Instructor
Eastman, Joseph: [email protected] Mathematics Instructor
Erickson, Tracey: [email protected] Science Instructor
Ford, Dixie: [email protected] Third Grade Instructor
Graham (Sues), Anne: [email protected] Special Education Instructor
Henson, Jodi: [email protected] Kindergarten Instructor
Jansson, Carrie: [email protected] First Grade Instructor
Jenkins, Kerry: [email protected] English / Literature Instructor
Lavin, Gerard: [email protected] Literature / Performing Arts Instructor
Mackrain, Tootsie: [email protected] Health / Visual Arts Instructor
McCarty, Sara: [email protected] Sixth Grade Instructor
McMurtrey, Amy: [email protected] Science
New, Valerie: [email protected] Sixth Grade Instructor
Nuckols, David: [email protected] History / Literature Instructor
O’Brien, Samantha: [email protected] Visual Arts Instructor
Rose, Kenneth: [email protected] Mathematics Instructor
Schumpert, Cynthia: [email protected] Fifth Grade Instructor
Stubbs, LeAnn: [email protected] Literature Instructor
Werth, Sarah: [email protected] Fifth Grade Instructor
Van Vleet, Keri: [email protected] Special Education Instructor
Young, Leslie: [email protected] Fine Arts / Music (Vocals & Piano) Instructor
Andes, Nicole: [email protected] Occupational Therapist
Carlisle, Tamara: [email protected] (ext. 142) Coordinator of Student Services
Caton, Jocelyn: [email protected] (ext. 92) Administration Assistant
Chavez, Chelsea: [email protected] (ext. 91) Registrar
Corral, Tanna: [email protected] Social Worker
Dukes, Jennifer: [email protected] (ext. 90) Asst. Business Manager
Espinosa, Erika: [email protected] Admin. Asst. / Scheduling Clerk
Hernandez, Amber: [email protected] (ext. 18) Health Office Assistant
Hernandez, Matt: [email protected] (ext. 95) Attendance Coordinator
Kraus, Julie: [email protected] (ext. 44) Coordinator of Student Life
Lovato, Marla: [email protected] (ext. 90) Business Manager
Nandino, Jessica: [email protected] (ext. 97) School Nurse, RN
Ostler, Bethany: [email protected] Gifted Coordinator
Rodriguez, Alfonso: [email protected]m School Security Officer
Torivio, Pam: [email protected] (ext. 94) Business Office Assistant
Vogue, Laurel: [email protected] Speech Therapist
Zamora,Mary: [email protected] (ext.182) Health Office Assistant
Homistek, Ryan: [email protected] (ext. 37) Director de Escuela Secundaria
Rowan, Jennifer: [email protected] (ext. 89) Directora Ejecutiva
Turner, Davina: [email protected] (ext. 28) Director de Escuela Primaria
Beckman, Melanie: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Bentley, Debbie: [email protected] Asistente educativa de servicios
Bocock, Kristi: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Carpenter, Shadra: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Franklin, Amanda: [email protected] Asistente educativa de servicios
Garrett (Adams), Jessica: [email protected] Asistente educativa de servicios
Gonzales, Elijah: [email protected] Asistente educativo de servicios
Koehler, Dennis: [email protected] Asistente educativo de servicios
Littlefield, Lori: [email protected] Asistente educativa de servicios estudiantiles
Lovato, MariaElena: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Marquez, Rebecca: [email protected] Asistente educativa de física
Riddle, Darian: [email protected] Asistente educativo de servicios
Sanders, Karen: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Springer, Felicia: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Tuck, Laura: [email protected] Asistente educativa de escuela de gramática
Yee, Glorianna: [email protected] Asistente educativo de servicios
Elias-Gonzalez, Josefina: [email protected] La Conserje
McManis, Patrick: [email protected] El Conserje
McRaven, Jubal: [email protected] El Conserje
Dukes, Byron: [email protected] supervisor de custodia/mantenimiento
Andes, Nicole: [email protected] Terapeuta Ocupacional
Carlisle, Tamara: [email protected] (ext. 142) La coordinadora de educación especial
Caton, Jocelyn: [email protected] (ext. 92) La Recepcionista
Chavez, Chelsea: [email protected] (ext. 91)La Registradora
Corral, Tanna: [email protected] Trabajadora Social
Dukes, Jennifer: [email protected] (ext. 90) Asistente de gerente de negocios
Espinosa, Erika: [email protected] Asistente de administración
Hernandez, Amber: [email protected] (ext. 18) Asistente de la oficina de salud
Hernandez, Matt: [email protected] (ext. 95) Coordinador de asistencia
Kraus, Julie: [email protected] (ext. 44) Asesora de éxito estudiantil
Lovato, Marla: [email protected] (ext. 90) Gerente de negocios
Nandino, Jessica: [email protected] (ext. 97) Enfermera de la escuela, RN
Ostler, Bethany: [email protected] El programa para dotados y talentosos
Rodriguez, Alfonso: [email protected] Oficial de seguridad de la escuela
Torivio, Pam: [email protected] (ext. 94) Asistente de oficina de negocios
Zamora,Mary: [email protected] (ext.182) Asistente de la oficina de salud
Adelman, Amie: [email protected] El Latín/Lógica/Retórica
Anderson, Cheryl: [email protected] Intervencionista
Beard, Tim: [email protected] Educación física
Beukelman, Bonnie: [email protected] Música / Bellas Artes
Brown, Kacie: [email protected] Profesora de servicios estudiantiles
Bryson, Kathleen: [email protected] Matemáticas
Buck, Misty: [email protected] Instructora de artes visuales
Burns, Tasha: [email protected] Kinder
Cooper, Therese: [email protected] 4to grado
Cordova, Carmelita: [email protected] 2do grado
Cruz, Penyon: [email protected] 1er grado
Daugherty, Donnie: [email protected] Historia
Davis, Randi: [email protected] 2do grado
Drury, David: [email protected] Historia / Literatura
Duke, Melissa: [email protected] Kinder
Eastman, Joseph: [email protected] Matemáticas
Erickson, Tracey: [email protected] Ciencias
Ford, Dixie: [email protected] 3er grado
Graham (Sues), Anne: [email protected] Instructora de educación especial
Henson, Jodi: [email protected] Kinder grado
Jansson, Carrie: [email protected] 1er grado
Jenkins, Kerry: [email protected] Inglés / Literatura
Lavin, Gerard: [email protected] Literatura / Las artes escénicas
Mackrain, Tootsie: [email protected] Salud, Artes visuales
McCarty, Sara: [email protected] 6to grado
McMurtrey, Amy: [email protected] Ciencias
New, Valerie: [email protected] 6to grado
Nuckols, David: [email protected] Historia, Literatura
O’Brien, Samantha: [email protected] Instructora de artes visuales
Rose, Kenneth: [email protected] Matemáticas
Schumpert, Cynthia: [email protected] 5to grado
Stubbs, LeAnn: [email protected] Literatura
Van Vleet, Keri: [email protected] Instructora de educación especial
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